Medical History: Please tick all relevant conditions applicable to student.
Terms & Conditions
1. If at any time during the class, if you feel discomfort or strain, gently come out of the posture.You may rest at any time during the class. It is important in yoga that you listen to your body andrespect its limits on any given day.2. I recognize that it is my responsibility to notify my teacher regarding any serious illness orinjury before every yoga class. I will not perform any posture to the extent of strain or pain.3. Synergy Yoga Centre conducts yoga sessions in two types of batches, (1) Unisex and (2) Ladiesbatch on Weekdays between Monday to Friday with the strict batch timings.Batch No: Start Time End Time Batch type1 6:00 am 7:00 am Unisex2 7:00 am 8:00 am Unisex3 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Ladies4 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Unisex
4. Rights of Admission is Reserved and Acceptable at the discretion of the Synergy Yoga CentreManagement. And admission can be revoked at any time without assigning any reasons.Amendments to the Terms and Conditions is applicable as per the discretion of the Synergy YogaManagement and accepted by students.5. Fees Can be paid on Monthly or Quarterly Basis, based upon the selected Packages. Fees Paidare Non-Transferable, it is only applicable to Specific Student and Specific period (month orQuarter). In Case of Change of Packages, it will be effective from next cycle of the chosen periodonly (either next month or next Quarter)6. Fees needs to be paid on or before 5th of Every month, if 5th is Weekend or Holiday, followingweekday will be due date. Fees paid beyond 5th will attract a Late Fee of Rs 100/- per day.7. Fees Paid Once will not be refunded under any Circumstances.