Hatha Yoga

Yoga is a vast discipline aimed at integrating mind, body and spirit to achieve a state of enlightenment or self-realisation. Yoga is a science of right living and it works wonders when integrated in daily life. It works on all aspects of the person – the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual level. The essence of Yoga is practical and scientific as it lays emphasis on direct experience. It is not a religion, but a practice of self-inquiry and inner exploration. Different branches of Yoga prescribe different approaches and techniques, but ultimately leads to same goal of enlightenment.

Hatha yoga is a popular style of yoga. The word &”hatha” comes from the Sanskrit words “ha” (sun) and “tha” (moon), which is in itself a union of the opposites. Qualities associated with the sun are heat, masculinity, and effort while moon qualities are coolness, femininity and surrender. Hatha Yoga is designed to help us bring pairs of opposites together in our heart, mind, and body for the purpose of discovering something deeper about the nature of our existence.


Hatha yoga is often considered a foundational practice, as it provides a solid grounding in basic postures, breathing techniques, and alignment principles that are used in other styles of yoga. It is also a great style for beginners and people who prefer a slower-paced, more meditative practice.

Classes include sukshma vyayama (Yogic Warmup), Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Asana (Postures), Pranayama (Breathing Technique), Meditation and yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation Technique).

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.

— Mary Kay Ash

We conduct both Regular and online classes.